On todays Zero Limits Podcast Matt chats with Liam Haven former Australian Infantry soldier from the 6th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment. Liam was deployed to Iraq as an infantry soldier and combat medic. He had been in Iraq for six months operating as part of the Overwatch Battle Group (West) - 4. When his Bushmaster Infantry Mobility Vehicle was on patrol near An Nasiriyah, in southern Iraq on 17 May 2008 when it was struck by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). Liam suffered wounds to his upper body and lost the vision in both his eyes in the attack. The vehicle call sign was 61C and its name was 'HOMBRES SIN MIEDO' (Men Without Fear).
Liam works to raise awareness of the mental health issues faced by returning soldiers. He's passionate about helping young people understand and respect the sacrifices made by those who serve. Let's GO!
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