Feb. 2, 2025

EP. 202 Dan Fortune DSC & BAR, Brigadier ret. Australian Special Forces Special Air Service Regiment

EP. 202 Dan Fortune DSC & BAR, Brigadier ret. Australian Special Forces Special Air Service Regiment

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On today's Zero Limits Podcast I chat with  Dan Fortune DSC & BAR, Brigadier ret. Australian Special Forces Special Air Service Regiment.

Dan Fortune was born in Perth Western Australia and he enlisted in the Army in 1981 and following initial training, served in 6th Battalion the Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) as a soldier. In 1984 he attended selection, and served in the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) as an operator in Air (HALO/HAHO) and Land Counter Terrorist (CT) roles, achieving the rank of Corporal. He was selected for Officer training and entered The Royal Military College Duntroon in January 1989.  In 1992 he re-attended SAS selection as an officer and upon completing selection he served in SASR as an Air Operations and Land CT Troop Commander.

Dan deployed on multiple occasions including Commanding Officer of SOTG, Director - Operations Support, Senior ISAF SOF Commander, Chief of Staff/ Deputy Commander - Special Operations Command and Commander ISAF SOF in Afghanistan.

Website - www.zerolimitspodcast.com

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Host - Matty Morris


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