April 28, 2024

Ep. 170 Heath Jamieson 2nd Commando Regiment Australian Special Forces

Ep. 170 Heath Jamieson 2nd Commando Regiment Australian Special Forces

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On today's Zero Limits Podcast I  chat with Heath Jamieson veteran of the 2nd Commando Regiment.

Heath left high school and went to uni to study geology. After 4 years at uni, Heath got a degree in Geology and began work as a geologist in which he spent doing for around 5 years before joining the army reserves in 2006. After a year he applied for direct recruitment scheme for special forces, more specifically 2CDO. During this time he deployed to Afghanistan as part of the SOTG (Special Operations Task Group) as a sniper. In his 2011 deployment during an engagement with Taliban insurgents Heath was shot through the neck which no one can explain how he did it die that day. The bullet entered from the rear of his neck missing the spinal cord and passed in between the jugular and the carotid artery with a clean exit out the front. During this engagement after Heath was shot and on his way to the HLZ for air medevac Sgt Todd Langley was killed in the continued fighting not far from his position. 

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