Ep. 164 Paddy Baker 2nd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment - Jack and The Bear

Paddy joined the Army Reserve in 2006 while completing his carpentry apprenticeship. After some time in reserves Paddy completed his civilian apprenticeship and enlisted into the regular army posting to 2RAR. Paddy deployed to Timor and the Paddy was on the same deployment as previous guests such as @coralsearc “Fabs”, @your.mate.wilso “Kyle Wilson”, @chrismay_aus , @adsietk , which his story adds another perspective during some major incidents that happened on that Afghanistan deployment. After returning back from Afghanistan Paddy attempted and completed SASR selection however he was not selected. A couple years later he yet again attempted SASR selection and once again completed and this time was selected to continue into the reinforcement special force training cycle. A few months into training Paddy was involved in an incident which resulted in an injury that ended his military career. Post military service Paddy had an interest in Blacksmithing focussing on axes and knives in which he has now turned it into a fulltime business.
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