On today's Zero Limits Podcast I am joined in the studio for a chat by Deb Wallace by former Detective Superintendent 36 year NSW Police veteran. Deb joined the NSW Police in 1983 and quickly found herself gaining notoriety early in her career, when she was involved in the investigation into the murder of 26-year-old nurse Anita Cobby. From this she was invited to undertake Detective training which led to an extensive career commanding various specialist squads, including the South East Asian Crime Squad, Middle Eastern Organised Crime and Strike Force Raptor. In the 90s she was a detective at Cabramatta fighting Asian street gangs, including the infamous 5T, which have since vanished. She has headed the Middle Eastern Crime squad (MEOCS) which has been credited with the dismantling the vicious Brothers for Life gang responsible for dozens of shootings in Sydney and then moving into Raptor, set up in 2009 targeting OMCG which disrupts bikie business with heavy handed tactics.
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