On today's Zero Limits Podcast I am joined in the studio with "Vinnie" current Royal Australian Airforce F35 Fighter Pilot.
Vinnie joined the Defence Force shortly after leaving school. After partly growing up in Newcastle where Williamtown RAAF base is located he seen a couple of jets fly over Newy beach which sparked interests in becoming a pilot. After successfully completing years of training he graduated as a RAAF Fighter Pilot flying the FA 18 fast jet. During his service in 2016 he deployed to Iraq completing 21 combat missions during the ISIS offensive. On his very first mission in Iraq proved to be highly kinetic going winchester along with other fighter jets. Upon returning to Australia the Defence Force acquired the F-35 Fighter Jet in which Vinnie completed the conversion course and flys daily. He has also since started a not for profit Kinfish which supports veterans. Head to the website and it out www.kinfish.com.au please donate!
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