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April 26, 2023

Ep. 103 Kegan Gill former US Navy F/A-18E strike fighter pilot Fastest survived ejection in the history of naval aviation

Ep. 103 Kegan Gill former US Navy F/A-18E strike fighter pilot Fastest survived ejection in the history of naval aviation

On today's Zero Limits Podcast I chat with Kegan Gill former US Navy F/A-18E strike fighter pilot.

Kegan Gill’s life changed forever after narrowly surviving a jet crash in which he set the record for the fastest ejection in naval aviation history. In the process of ejecting, Kegan sustained catastrophic injuries that literally ripped his limbs apart along with a severe traumatic brain injury. His body landed in the ice cold waters of the Atlantic, and his wet suit had ripped open. With his parachute still attached, and unable to move his arms, Kegan was continuously dunked into the freezing water for two hours before his rescue. Luckily, his hypothermic condition kept him from bleeding to death.

Today, he shares his story of the accident, his miraculous physical recovery, and the extreme hardships he faced following the incident. He explains how a traumatic brain injury led him to a psych word, on psychiatric medication - and how he started his journey to healing, and supporting others to do the same. 

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